Friday, December 30, 2016

Comments in PHP - Web development tutorial free

Comments in PHP

Comments are not for run. That will be used to identify by programmer or others to understand the part of the codes and functionality.

Single line Comments

//Here you can put your comment. This line will not be executed. For comment purpose only.

##This also single line comment. 

Multi line Comments

/*This will be multi line comment. It has start point which is started in this paragraph. And it has end point just oppositely like */


<!DOCTYPE html>


//My Intro

echo "Hi! This is Manikandan. Wish you a happy new year!";

This is a multiline comment this is not for execution. If you use php code here it will not be executed 
echo "Hi! This line will not be executed.";



In the above example I mentioned single line comment and multi lines comments in red letters. If you execute above program, the output will be 

For comments usage please try the above example program in your computer. Thank you! for reading. 

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