Saturday, December 31, 2016

Variable in PHP - php Tutorial free

Uses of variables in php

In php program, a variable should be followed by $ sign. Php will be considered a text as variable which is followed by $ sign.

Example :


In php, we can use variables without declaring. For example if we want to use variable as text we can use like $text_Var="Wish you a happy new year 2017", $int_Var=546 and so on.

Example Program using variable:

           <!DOCTYPE html>


           $result_Txt="This is the Output of $x+$y is :   ";
           echo $result_Txt.$z;


Global an local variables:

Global variables example

           <!DOCTYPE html>

           $x=10; //global variable

           function insidefunction()
            echo "The value of variable $x is in inside a function:".$x;

            echo "The value of variable $x is in outside:".$x;


Output of above program is 

The error was showing when run the function, So the global variable not into the function. and also first output in the function is not displayed. So, You can understand global variable is using in outside of the function. It will not affect inside the function values.

local variables

Now we are using the variable $x as local variable. It will affect only inside the function. It will not affect the outside value.

For example

<!DOCTYPE html>

function insidefunction() {
    $x = 10; // local variable inside the function
    echo "<p>Variable x inside function is: $x</p>";


// using x outside the function will generate an error
echo "<p>Variable x outside function is: $x</p>";


Output of above program is:

The error was showing when run the outside output, So you can understand local variable will not affect outside of the function. and also second output in the program is not displayed. So, You can understand local variable is using in inside the function wherever we are using.

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